商品名稱 | 【台北】松露之家單人精選晚餐 |
餐券類別 | 餐廳 |
類型 | 紙本 |
適用地區 | 北部 |
用餐時段 | 本券平假日晚餐適用(18:00~21:00);特殊節日(除夕、中西洋情人節、聖誕節、跨年夜、母親及父親節等),因餐廳推出特別節日餐點恕不適用。 |
張數 | 1 |
使用期限 | 本券優惠期間同信託期間,逾期需依現場規定補足差額方可使用。 |
店家資訊 | 電話:(02)2778-7955 地址:台北市大安區敦化南路一段246號B1(近捷運忠孝敦化站,忠孝地下街12號出口) |
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使用說明 | 本券可單人於松露之家餐廳享用單人精選晚餐乙客(已含水資及服務費)。 |
使用說明1 | 餐點內容:●經典前菜擇一 ●熱前菜:松露牛肝菌白酒醬汁水波蛋 ●湯品:爽瓜精蠣湯/松露蘑菇Capucciono(以上擇一)●主菜:季節松露燉飯(現刨松露可做全素)/塔莉雅公主松露麵(現刨松露可做全素)/松露之家經典功夫鴨腿 佐奶油橙汁(以上擇一)、主廚甜心、咖啡或茶飲★菜色會因季節食材不同而做調整,以現場實際提供之品項爲主 |
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使用說明5 | 使用本券恕無法折抵SOGO敦化館內停車服務。《SOGO敦化館-松露之家》 |
其實不管是在白天或是深夜,如果聽到怪聲,要避免意外發生,最好的方式,就是從樓上 探頭往下看,最好不要開門出去,打電話報警,最保險。
過去就曾經發生過很多次,民眾在停等紅綠燈的時候,遇到不明男子拍窗,或是用製造假車禍的方式,誘使讓民眾下車再乘機行搶,但是現在歹徒詐騙手法再升級,製造假車禍 狂按喇叭,逼得住戶外出查看,再乘機下手,這時候民眾該如何自保。通常民眾聽到怪聲,下意識的動作就是探頭往樓下看,接著就是下樓查看,但小心,歹徒可能已經在門外守候。
■ 更多相關新聞防搶演練太逼真 路人報案「英」勇西裝哥!徒手抗持刀搶匪像拍電影天下新鮮事 盡在FUN影音
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- VAR of the train crashed into the apartment building.
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- VAR of the train crashed into the apartment building.
Swedish cleaning lady crashes train into house: police
STOCKHOLM, Jan 15, 2013 (AFP) - A Swedish cleaning lady on Tuesday commandeered an empty Stockholm commuter train, which careered off the tracks when it reached the end of the line and smashed into a block of flats, police said.
The woman's condition was "serious but stable", Stockholm police spokesman Lars Bystroem said. She was detained on suspicion of destroying public property, a crime punishable by up to eight years in jail.
The train slammed into a three-storey building in the upscale Saltsjoebaden neighbourhood but no other injuries were reported.
It was unclear why the woman stole the train from a Stockholm depot.
"The train was wrecked," Stockholm Public Transport spokesman Jesper Pettersson said.
Travelling at 80 kilometres (50 miles) per hour, it bolted off the tracks when it reached the end of the line and hurtled 25 metres in the snow before crashing to a final halt, according to train operating company Arriva.
The woman, born in 1990, had worked for a cleaning company contracted by the transport group "for a few months, with good results," Arriva spokesman Tomas Hedenius said.
Driving the train was "doable" for most people, as long as they had the key, he added.
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AFP Videos
2013年1月16日週三 台北標準時間上午5時40分
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